My teacher was right, my books were right and my friends were right too. But I had this question, why was I wrong in matching those small things? Or was I really wrong? A bat matches to a boy playing with it, the same bat matches to a ball with which it is being played, the same freaking bat matches a playground in which it is being used and the same god damn bat matches another boy who has interchanged it from the first!!! I was wrong because the book said so, my teacher and friends were right because again the book said so. Few steps relate to everything we do and how we presume it...We were taught that a line was the border, beyond which there is something bad and unknown. All those who crossed those lines were bad and all who did not are good people like us???
But who really defined it that way? No disrespect to them but when I look from their point of view I feel they must have seen the consequences themselves and were trying to help others by telling them that it was difficult to travel on a path which 95% of people dint and it was tough. But again the interpretation comes down to an individual who likes what he is doing. I guess we change our course to get away from something difficult or see ourselves happy or at times see the ones we love happy!!!
Take a left
Take a right
Now go straight
What do you see? Grave yard!!!
Lets try it again…
Take a right
Take a left
Now go straight
What do you see? Dead end!!!
Lets try it again…
Go straight
Take a left
Take a left
Take a left
What do you see? Point where I started!!!
Lets try it again
Take a right
Take a left
Take a left
Take a right
What do you feel? I could have come straight!!!
Lets try it again
Take a left
Take a left
Go straight
Take a right
How is it now? I am on the wrong way!!!
"I am so confused…
You confused me
I don’t have aims
You molded it with your directions"
Somewhere, somehow…few paths are lost in finding the right direction or allowing your directions to be shown by others. You commit mistakes we come back and we try to start a new journey. You know what is right and what is left in you. You are the best judge of your heart, mind and your situation. If you are right then you are right because you have your reasons. If you are wrong then you know it better than anyone else. May be judging the path by consequences will not fetch you your life!!!