Days were dark..
I saw no ray of light
Days were dark..
I saw no hope in sight.
Days were dark..
Had no reason to smile
Days were dark..
Had no reason to walk an extra mile.
I knew I exist..
With nothing to hear.
I knew I exist..
With no boundaries or fear.
Thoughts changed so did the words..
Words changed so did the world..
World changed so did the view..
View changed so did I.
Days are dark..
But I have a new ray of light.
Days are dark..
But I see the road in sight.
Days are dark..
But I have a reason to smile.
Days are dark..
But I feel its just an extra mile.
I found no difference..
I found no grace.
With all I saw…I just say
I found my existence.
it is a lovely poem .....
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