“We remember the sour implications of life and tend to forget the lighter exuberance when it comes down to know what we do and what we don’t.“
How many conversations that we had during a coffee are cherished when compared to the conversations we had during a drink? It’s hard to recollect any… Unless you believe in non-violence and have taken a vow of not losing control of yourself and looking at life in a sane way!!
Continuing on the insanity, moments when we thought that we were in complete control of what we were doing and speaking could hardly be recollected and moments when we assumed to be under control but were not, are cherished for a lifetime.
One of my friends walked bare foot for 300 mts just to tell me that I was wearing a wrong pair of footwear.
Friend to a bartender: I have 3 questions for you…
1. Are you really Chinese?
2. If you are Chinese…what’s your age?
3. No...I will not ask the third question…
A friend while getting down, hit the roof and bounced back into the car.
One stopped his car in middle of the road at 2 in the morning and called up just to inform me how stupid his friends were in doing so.
How can I forget the masterpiece when the entire group stood for the photograph only to find out that we needed to identify ourselves by the footwear.
Few never wanted to drive so that they could consume more.
Few had a fetish to drive when their so called ‘control’ tumbled around.
Just before the happy hours were over, you order few more pegs of scotch to make sure the party continued, but at half the expense.
One had reasons and the other never did.
On the other hand, conversations at a coffee shop are too intellectual I guess. If not all, most of them were. “MY” point discussions dominate the conversation and Socrates with his philosophies lived all over again in every word we said. These discussions tend to go more logical, not that we did not enjoy it; but we still have reasons to forget such conversations after an exhaustive session.
But why do people get philosophical over a coffee and emotional on alcohol?
I presume both coffee and alcohol are intoxicating to the mind. The difference is that one keeps the body in control the other doesn't.
You talk about life.
You talk about logic.
When convincing is tough,
You fall for perception.
Does it matter? Can you repeat the order please…
You talk about highs.
You talk about lows.
When the going goes good,
You indent the reasons.
Does it matter? Can you repeat the order please…
You talk about similarities
You talk about realities
When realization hangs around,
You search for priorities.
Does it matter? Can you repeat the order please…
Life is made up of moments and moments make the Life. A lost moment is a lost count in the measurement of what could have been but did not. It does not mean that you need to be more exploring, to catch up with those moments. Living the ones which come to you and those you strive for, makes more sense than striving for the ones which come to you and dreaming for those which pulls you away!!
At the end of it all….Does it matter?
Naaa….Can you repeat the order please!!!!