The peasant stayed with them for few days and enjoyed every bit of life he would ever wanted in the name of explorations and search for peace. He realized that he achieved what he set out for and decided to return to his land to preach his people and tell them what they were running after is right there with them and they named it “life” in the modern terms.
The group in the valley was however, amazed to know people like them existed in a far of land and the stories he brought about the far land he lived in. The stories had leaders who led them, people to serve them, animals in complete control, clothes to cover them and food without a daily struggle. But, the group was still content and happy to have what they did and in a few days they led their life as they always did.
Returning of the peasant to his land marked an important day as all the people in their town gathered to know what enlightenment he brought with him from his explorations. He explained about a valley existing in a place far away from theirs and there was happiness, peace, love and content in the valley. He also explained that he learned that those were not out of the place but out of the people as they did not share a feeling called “ego” and a word called “comparison”.
Few days later, another peasant visited the valley, lost and battling. He brought with him more stories of a different land and took back with him the most wanted principles to live a life. Days passed and the same thing happened again, another peasant visited the valley and this kept continuing for another year. Now the group in the valley started contemplating of how great the life in the far lands were and how different each one’s life was. There was much more comfort and bright life, they thought.
Over a year, the valley had its share of unhappiness with the stories from the peasants taught them, to make leaders in the group, to divide and designate work and to control the happenings.
When the next peasant arrived, the group in the valley decided to go with him to the far lands for a happier and comfortable life. They did not know what trade meant, so the peasant who was supposed to take them to the far land, would keep the valley for himself. The peasant took them to the leader who was generous to allow them to work for him, they were given food what everyone had and they were also allowed to stay in a room were rest of the leader’s men were allowed to sleep after a daylong work. After some time, the group was unable to find what they wanted. But, wanted to give some more time to see if they get all they assumed would be here in the far land. Days past and so did the time and with time passed all their hopes, they were feeling restless, unhappy, dejected and lost. After a discussion within the group they decided to walk back home to their valley in search of what they left out there.
After a long walk to their land, when they reached the valley they were surprised to see that the valley changed. The valley changed a lot and there were a lot of people in the valley. There were houses as they found in the far land, leaders, controlled animals and priced food. They were shocked and decided to approach the leader, it was the peasant who took them to the far land. On questioning, the leader said, that when he was dejected and lost in the far land of his existence he started exploring and came across this valley and all of you readily wanted to move out of the valley and I got to keep the valley. Here I created my land where I am leader and I rule the place. I give people employment and they work for me. The peasant offered the group to work for him and he would pay them for their services.
Now, where do the group belong? what is their land? what is their identity?
I don’t know what this story would bring out in the mind of the reader what I see here is somewhere down the line of the past, we as the human race missed a string and took the wrong path of achieving, over achieving and achieving beyond reach. We cannot go back and change it because that change was permanent and gone. We started well, we were happy and content until a reason is put into our heads that something better would be good for us, we took the path and today what is left is “Egos” and “Comparisons”. What went wrong is an assumption and is not important, for me, what is important is what is being missed. Step to step there is a comparison of needs to over achieve. Over achieve what? Freedom? Happiness? Reasons? Ahh reasons… have you ever felt like doing or saying something without a reason? We have reasons for everything we do or attach them where ever required. We are now streamlined beings, “human” can be replaced, I am reasoning here.
How many facts do you realize that you know that does not have a reason. Pick up a fact, now think what is a reason for this fact.. are you reasoning the fact or incorporating it? We adapt to the facts around us that we believe in. have we ever thought of going beyond those and see how our facts stand or falter in front of the facts that exists in a different place? No. Are we trying to be content to believe in what we have is good or are we trying to be content only to get better off the facts that surround us? If that is the case then we need to question what content means to us. We were brought up with these ideologies and they will not die whatever the situation is… when need is met, necessity is overridden and when happiness is met, content is overridden.
We contemplate and alter the benefits but not the beliefs. This technical glitch will never change. I guess we are the product of iterations from a power and when HE sees that this technology evolved in the wrong direction...it will be wiped out..again!!